ISONO International Patent Office, P.C.

Why Isono?

Pursuing high quality and customer satisfaction from a variety of angles.

In order to provide our clients with the best possible proposals and the best possible service,
our firm is constantly working to improve our operations with five commitments:
“Providing Reassurance”, ”Thorough Management”, “A Quality-Oriented Attitude”, “Care from the Clinet’s Perspective”, and “Quick Response.”

Our Firm’s Five Commitments

1Provide Reassurance

Improving Security

We have established internal regulations regarding information security, In principle, confidential information is not taken out of the office. When working from home, we use a thin client system that does not require data in the personal environment.
In addition, the entire building is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Improving Business Continuity

We have office in an earthquake-resistant building and an internal system that allows all office staff to work remotely.
We also have redundant file servers in the office to prevent problems in the event of accidents or failures.

2Thorough Management

“Visualization” of deadlines
  • ・Visualize the process of data input to the docket management system with a workflow system (reliable data input).
  • ・Prepare a work management sheet* for each case from the data in the docket management system and distribute it to the drafting person (clearly indicating the deadline).
    *The work management sheet is used to manage the process from client’s order to official filing before the each Patent Office.
  • ・Email to drafting person with the reference number of the case that is due in one week. (every evening)
  • ・Send today’s deadline case numbers to the drafting person, supervisors, and board members via email (every morning)
  • ・Distribute to administrative staff a list of deadlines for requesting examination, payment of annity fees, and trademark renewals that are due within the next 10 days. (every week)
“Multiple” deadline management
  • ・Double-checking of the work management sheet (=data from the docket management system) by administrative staff and drafting persons.
  • ・Multiple management on the deadline day
    1. Send the case number to the drafting person, the supervisor, and the board member via email.
    2. Check whether there was a reply to the above email (including presence status of the drfafting person).

3Quality-Oriented Attitude

Development and introduction of the specification checking tool “Application Lint”

We developed and introduced “Application Lint” which automatically checks items such as “lack of antecedent basis”, “alternative dependency of claims”, ”precedency of claims”, “unclear expressions”, ”reference number”, and “length of sentences” in draft specification.

Development and introduction of “Bibliographic Lint”

“Bibliographic Lint” which checks formality requirements of documents such as arguments, amendments, or request forms to be filed before the Japan Patent Office was developed and introduced. It achieves quick drafting.

Standardization of Specifications
  • ・Checking and brushing up of specification and response for office action by the surpervisor
  • ・Fixed Supervisor
  • ・Inventor Meeting with multiple persons
    *Due to schedules, inventor meeting may be conducted individually.
  • ・Established basic rules for drafting specifications
Standardization of Drawings
  • ・Preparing patent and design drawings by drawing specialists
    • – Capable of handling complex mechanical drawings
    • – Optimizing drawings through close cooperation with drafting person
  • ・Double-checking of design drawings by drawing specialists
Raising the quality

We regularly provide in-house training to improve the quality of our staff and the overall service.

Examples of Internal Training
  • Points to keep in mind when drafting specifications
    and responding to office actionRepresentative, Yoshiyuki MACHIDA
  • Information SecurityRepresentative, Yoshiyuki MACHIDA
  • How to draft specificationsManager, Shinji SAITO
  • Studying Case Law (Regarding the scope of Japanese patent rights when part of the patent invention is implemented overseas)Patent Attorney, Yoshiyuki MACHIDA
  • Sub-combination inventionPatent Attorney, Shinji NAKAMURA
  • How to work without making mistakesPatent Attorney, Ichiro FUJINAMI
  • How to draft multi-multi dependent claims
    How to draft a specification that will be appreciated by clientsPatent Attorney, Kenichiro AYAKI
  • Amendment of Chinese patent lawChinese Patent Attorney, Yaocheng HU
  • Overview of the role of patents and patent strategiesRepresentative, Yoshiyuki MACHIDA

4Consideration from the client’s perspective

Optimal proposals and follow-up

We always strive to provide easy-to-understand explanations from the client’s perspective, and we listen carefully to their needs to make optimal proposals.
In addition, we distribute to the drafting persons the points to keep in mind when carrying out special procedures (such as applications with claiming domestic priority, divisional applications, and procedures for exceptions to lack of novelty) along with the work management sheet, and follow up on communication with our clients.

Support for obtaining rights overseas

We also assist with obtaining rights overseas by arranging and intermediating with foreign law firms that act as local agent. There is no need for clients to directly communicate with the local agents, our firm will make various arrangements based on our clients’ needs and communicate with the local agents to lead to the acquisition of intellectual property rights.

5Quick Response

  • ・Streamline document creation with tools to assist in the drafting of application forms, correspondence documents, etc.
  • ・Creating drawings by drawing specialists.
  • ・Improve efficiency and standardization of administrative work through the introduction of RPA
    *RPA: An abbreviation for “Robotic Process Automation,” a system in which a software robot takes over and automates the computer operations of office workers. Software robots that take over and automate the computer operations of office workers are also known as digital labor (virtual intellectual labor).